Recipe: Steaming Chicken Ramen Noodles with Poached Lemon Ginger Chicken and Spring Greens

Recipe: Steaming Chicken Ramen Noodles with Poached Lemon Ginger Chicken and Spring Greens

February 01, 2021 | Holly Mansfield

Fresh, fresh, fresh! Hot, citrus and green, this zingy bowl will put a spring in your step! Serves 2.

This recipe uses two pots of Kabuto Noodles Chicken Ramen. 


What you'll need

2 pots of Kabuto Noodles Chicken Ramen

2 chicken breasts

Zest of 1 whole lemon

2 garlic cloves

1 inch cube of ginger

1 small chilli (optional)

A good handful of fresh spring greens (cavolo nero, kale or pak choi would also work well)

Pinch of salt


Place the chicken into a medium saucepan. Zest the lemon and finely chop the garlic, ginger and chilli. Sprinkle this over the chicken before covering with water.

On a medium heat, bring the pan to a gentle simmer. Once the pot is simmering, turn the heat to a medium low and allow to poach for 10 minutes. Whilst the chicken is cooking, finely slice your greens into 1cm strips. Add these to the pan and simmer for a further 5 minutes.

Once the chicken is cooked through, remove with a slotted spoon and leave to rest. Switch off the hob and add your ramen noodles to the pan, allowing them to cook for 5 minutes.

When you’re ready to serve, season the chicken with a little salt and pepper and slice into 1/2 cm strips.

Ladle the noodles into your bowls, pour over the liquid and finish by placing the chicken on top.


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