The Big Switch

The Big Switch

February 18, 2019 | Holly Mansfield

You might’ve noticed we’ve made a change to the style of our pots recently… I just wanted to explain our thinking behind changing them.

Our old noodle pots were made out of paper (like a coffee cup) but had a plastic liner. When we started using these ‘paper’ cups we thought they were fully recyclable through everyone’s normal household paper recycling. We were so upset to find out a while later that this wasn’t the case… There are actually only 2 recycling centres in the whole of the UK that can separate the plastic liner from the paper, meaning most of the cups (and this also means the cups from your local coffee shop) actually ended up in land fill.

When we found this out we obviously disappointed and so decided we didn’t want to carry on using these ‘paper’ cups. So as a result of all of this, we made the decision to move to a new type of packaging that is now 100% recyclable! We’re pretty excited to say that our new pots are now made with a foil lid, a removable card sleeve and plastic cup that can ALL be recycled in your normal household recycling.

We are fully aware that the world of recycling is moving very quickly and the information available is constantly changing. And so, we aim to always find the best packaging options for our noodles, as we know we’ve only got 1 planet and we all need to take care of it!

As well as changing the material of our pots, we also took this opportunity to change the design of our pots as a result of some really great feedback that we received from you guys. Some suggestions said it was a bit of a struggle to determine the flavour of each noodle pot. So, we’ve now made it a lot easier to differentiate the flavours when they’re on the supermarket shelves. And we think they look pretty great! But don’t worry, you’ll still find the same amazing recipes, but just in swanky new packaging!

Happy noodle-ing!

Crispin Busk,

Kabuto’s Samurai Master


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